Course: ILUS-305-S032-2022: Illustration Genres Topic: Myth and Symbolism in Illustration, Section: Week 2 - January 18th

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Week 2 - January 18th

  • Week 2 - January 18th

    Week 2: The Call to Adventure

    The hero is faced with an event, conflict, problem, or challenge that makes them begin their adventure.

    –     Week 2 discussion: The Call to Adventure

    –     In-Class prompt: Take 5 minutes to determine what "healthy balance" needs to be established in your illustration practice, and what actions and risks should be taken to achieve it. Decide on ONE risk you will be willing to take with your Assignment 1 final. 

    –     Breakout groups/rooms for Assignment 1

    –     Demo: Bleed Settings in Photoshop

    –     Assignment 1: plans for the final



    –     Complete Assignment 1 Final Artwork