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Voice Manifest: Strategies for Creative Liberation

How do we manifest creative expression by exploring communally the historical, political, and economic relationship between where we come from and where we are? How might a focus on the material basis of art practice positively change the way we work? The class explores a variety of themes (city, land, language, art) via four projects (mapmaking, pinhole camera, radio broadcast, zine/book). The overall process as expressed in research, notes, sketches, reading logs, and musings becomes the fifth project of the class. The course focus is on this process, and students are expected to give full rein to their imagination and creative drive. Through readings, research, reflection, discussion, writing, and various methods and modes of creative expression, students will explore their relationship to places, to land, to language, to audiences, to art, and to the world in an effort to bridge such distances and find creative liberation.

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