Student Name:

Nina Droz

OPTIONAL additional image #4:
OPTIONAL additional image #5:
Description of Progress on your Project:

Setting: Sea

  • The ocean is the beginning of life on Earth, and symbolizes formlessness, the unfathomable, and chaos.
  •  ... The ocean is considered to be boundless, a place where one can easily be lost, and can therefore be seen to represent the boundless span of life, and the way one can get lost on the journey through life.

Possible Animal Choices: Snake or Goat

  • Serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force.
  • As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing.

  • Goat meanings and symbolism include sure-footedness, desire, creative energy, revelry, tranquility, aspiration, and faith.

What the red things could be clusters of:


  • According to Greek mythology, anemones sprang out of the tears of Aphrodite while she was mourning the death of her lover, Adonis. Adonis was killed by the gods due to their jealousy over his love affair with the beautiful goddess of love.

  • The most significant anemone flower meaning is anticipation. This is because the anemone flowers close up at night and open back up in the morning. Due to its wild nature, the flower specifically symbolizes relaxation and serves as a reminder to enjoy the moment in order to take in opportunities at the right time. Anemone flowers also signify fragility.

  • According to both Greek mythology and Christianity, the red anemone symbolizes death or the act of forsaken love. While Aphrodite was crying, Adonis shed blood on the anemones that came from her tears and stained them red. In Christianity, red anemones symbolize the blood that Christ shed on the crucifixion.


  • Pomegranates are said to symbolize death, longevity, paradise, and temptation. In Ancient Egypt, pomegranates were buried with the dead to aid in their passage to the afterlife. In Christianity, the fruits represent Christ's suffering and resurrection.
  • Also associated with the underworld


  • In Eastern meditative and Ayurvedic traditions the chrysanthemum is associated with the heart chakra. It is quite common to focus on the beauty of the flower with the ultimate goal to blossom the beauty into the heart, which stimulates the heart chakra.
  • If you receive a red chrysanthemum from someone, it is a symbol of love. ... A yellow chrysanthemum blossom on the other hand signifies neglected love or sorrow. (I may coat  a yellow chrysanthemum in blood to derive both meanings of these two colours) 

Possible ideas: no idea at the moment.

Possible Character choices: Towa (from Slow Damage) or Ankou (from 終遠のヴィルシュ -ErroR:salvation-)
