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Auto Guarin

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Description of Work:

For project two, I chose the story "The Two Travellers".  In the text given, the story was short, concise and very vague. I decided to read a few different renditions, which naturally allowed me to combine them.

For my work, I decided to highlight the key parts in the text given such as the traveller being healed by the dew, and hinting at the flowers that helped his reputation build in the kingdom. I also added in the 'bad' traveller to being attacked by the birds. These two events I think helped summarize the story to me. Another thing I kept note of was the consistency of the story taking place in the forest(for the most part). I used folliage and plants to not only place the characters in it, but also used it as a border to help present the setting further being a key element to The Two Travellers.

I also played around with colours, and found that changing hues altered the mood of the piece.
