Student Name:

Aaron Scobbie

Sketch #1:
Sketch #2:
Optional additional image:
Description of Work:

I chose the Greek myth of Bellerophon, who ends up having to kill the Chimera, which was considered an impossible task that would definitely kill him. The second sketch depicts the lead up to the chimera fight (as it lives in a nice mountain cave), though the second sketch depicts a later beat in the story where since he survived the Chimera and someone sent a whole bunch of soldiers to ambush him and kill him for good. What really interested me about the story is that he falls out of grace with both the gods and the pegasus that he had to tame - he apparently becomes so arrogant due to the belief that he should live among the gods, that he tries to fly up to Zeus and gets thrown off by the horse. In some stories, he survives the fall and wanders the earth for the rest of his life, disgraced, but in others he just straight up dies after falling from the pegasus in the air. 

I ended up getting a lot  of good feedback on border things and that'll for sure be heavily changed. I'm planning on not mirroring it like both other sketches are. Other than that, probably going with the first sketch. 
