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esther b

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Emily (Yuxuan) An

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A scene depicting 'A Stranger Comes to Town'. inspired by my first trip to China! 


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Angie Soberanis 

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Children's book Illustration 

Hacia la Aventura - Towards Adventure


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Emily Fakaros

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"The hero sees the light at the end of the tunnel, but there are more challenges yet to come" is exactly how I'm feeling about my university experience. This is about doing the research and work for my PRAX project, done in the style of the project itself.


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Echo Weng

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Haley Clare

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I combined #5 Crossing the Threshold with a version of me setting out on an adventure after moving to Vancouver for university and #12 with the other version returning home due to the pandemic as a more experienced and somewhat jaded self. I made it in the specs of a movie poster, but it could also work as a book cover.


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Kendra Heer

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The Approach to the Inmost Cave: The initial plan to take on the central conflict begins, but setbacks occur that cause the hero to try a new approach or adopt new ideas.

When I was growing up, I would have more and more vivid and/or scary dreams because of my overactive imagination. I had to learn how to face my fears and distinguish the line between fantasy and reality. Lots of my dreams seemed real, so my mom and I came up with a routine to help me deal with nighttime worries.

My format idea was to be half page for a magazine, for something like an article on sleep/dreams- but I believe this also would work as children's book illustration.


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una vernelli

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Su Ah Cho

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Magnus vdM 

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Graphic novel cover loosely based on the (definitely haunted) house I grew up in 
