Student Name:

Bailey Coady

75 dpi "clean" final image:
75 dpi final image with mock titles:
Optional description of the work:

My poster includes the non binary flag as its colour palette (black, white, purple, and yellow) to reflect Beck’s gender identity. We knew each other long before either of us transitioned and religion was a huge obstacle for the two of us respectively. Beck is a first generation Canadian from an extremely religious Ethiopian family. I wanted to illustrate the nuanced and challenging relationship that Beck has with religion. The cross that they hold close also weighs them down. Just like the background, the world that surrounds Beck exists in black and white as they hide their transness from their family and embraces a religion that condemns them.

I chose the “Sex Education,” star Dua Saleh to portray Beck in the film. It is important to me to find accurate representation for marginalized people when it comes to the media. Due is also a black non binary person who is close in age to Beck. Unfourtunately, there are still lots of groups that are not given roles in media so I was not able to find an actor who was also plus sized. I still think Saleh would portray Beck wonderfully but I acknowledge that Saleh is straight sized and that leaves out a facet of Beck’s experience. 
