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Author first name:
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Student Name:

Emily Fakaros

Final Artwork:
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Three of Cups


Student Name:


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death gardener au

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Aaron Scobbie

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Ended up choosing the Ace of Cups! 


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Henry Xu

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The Magician

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Jerry D

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Description of Work:

Ace of cup

Upright: love, new feelings, emotional awakening, creativity, spirituality, intuition Reversed: coldness, emptiness, emotional loss, blocked creativity, feeling unloved, gloominess

Right at the start of this assignment, I chose to do a few tarot readings. I think those readings subtly influenced this project for me. Since 2 of the cards, I picked for my sketches just so happened to be ones I pulled for my reading. (I can't remember if I pulled sun.) The reading was a bit too real. In both readings, I did happen to be incredibly positive. The general idea was that good things are coming and that I have gotten past an insane hurdle which I chose to interpret as the massive art block that I've been dealing with for the past year and a half. This project differed from my past project in that I spent quite a bit of time on it but I never got frustrated. I wasn't frustrated with how long it took, whether something looked good, or if I couldn't do something I wanted. I'm pretty happy with this.

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Keywords: Impartiality, power, transformation, new beginnings, protection, emotions, intuition, journey, rebirth 

-The Lovers-

Keywords: Balance, energy, stability, joy, clarity, harmony, Life, relationship, soulmates, strong bond, conflict, trust issues, detachment, lust 


Student Name:

Emily An 

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Student Name:

Chloe Groth

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Six of wands, feat. honey badger war leader and his disgruntled human knight!


Student Name:

esther bellefontaine

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