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Student Name:

Auto Guarin

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For my phobia I chose Sociophobia which is a"fear of social gatherings, fear of socializing, fear of embarrassment in social situations that is extremely intrusive and can have markedly debilitating effects on personal and professional relationships" (according to google).


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Jeongin (Jack) Sung

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Alexis Valgardsson

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box design

For my fear I chose "ACHLUOPHOBIA", fear of the dark. Corresponding with my strong dislike for insects/bugs by going with the moth. They're just so sporadic its unnerving. 

Also featured is the box template and design I came up with to house the cards! I'm really happy with how it turned out.


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Kira Mitchell

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Thanatophobia: Fear of death. (Skull)

Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at. (Butterflies)


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Tasha Sterling

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Somniphobia: the fear of sleeping

Now featuring 4 o' clock moths!


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Alexander Starzomczyk

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fear of water


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Lin Jiang

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The theme of project zero in our "Noodles" group is Bugs that Represent a Phobia. I chose to do social phobia. "People with this disorder have trouble talking to people, meeting new people, and attending social gatherings. They fear being judged or scrutinized by others." I think the look of the giant silk moth is a good example of social phobia. The caterpillar makes a cocoon for hiding and keeping its safety. Although the moth has patterns of eyes on its wings, they are not for communicating, they are its disguise to scare away predators. 


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Ryunosuke Kikuchi

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My fear was Molluscophobia

I felt really gross drawing this one and want others to be really grossed out too
