Session timeout - being logged off while uploading to My Media or embedding media in Moodle

Issue: When uploading media to My Media or trying to embed a video from my My Media library using the editor in Moodle, I get this error message, "Your session has most likely timed out. Please log in again". Logging in and out of Moodle again sometimes works. This occurs using Chrome and it times out after 2 minutes. Note: This issue is still open, no permanent solution has been identified yet.

Current solutions:

Option 1: Make sure you are using the most up to date version of Chrome.

Option 2: Use a different browser like Safari or Firefox. 

Option 3: Change your settings in Chrome:

  • In the address bar in Chrome, type in chrome://flags
  • Then search for samesite 
  • Change the following two settings from Default to Disabled:
    • SameSite by default cookies = Disabled
    • Cookies without SameSite must be secure = Disabled
  • Relaunch Chrome.
  • Log into Moodle again, go to a page or activity and embed a video using the editor.

Kaltura Express Capture does not work in Safari

Solution: Use Firefox of Chrome instead


Kaltura media does not load or appears as black squares

Solution for Safari users:  In preferences under Privacy, check the box to allow cross-site scripting

Solution for Chrome users:  allow 3rd party cookies

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 12:14 PM