WRTG-313-S091-2022: Script Writing

This course is primarily for film and video students, but is open to all students who are interested in improving their writing skills. Students will learn to develop an idea into a proposal and script that is clear and reflects their vision. Techniques for writing narrative, documentary, and experimental scripts will be practiced and, through exposure to various writing styles and approaches, students will be challenged to activate all their senses and to write to evoke the desired response.

This course will focus on concept development and script writing for experimental, narrative animation and documentary films and videos. The emphasis will be on developing the student’s voice and unique signature in the writing of a short script, starting with a concept, then synopsis, then finally the script.  By the process of writing and revising several exercises and drafts of scripts, the student will develop their writing skills and present their vision through the written word.

This course will consist of lectures and screenings but will primarily consist of discussions of works-in-progress with the class as a whole. Feedback on exercises and scripts presented by each student in various drafts will constitute a large component of this course. Each student is expected to both put ideas forward and to engage in critique and discussion of the ideas of their classmates.