CEDR Introductory Drawing 100 - Spring 2023
with Janina Kulhay-Matsuda
Email:  jkulhay@ecuad.ca

"Feed the body food & drink, it will survive today.  Feed the soul Art & Music, 
it will live forever." Francesco Guicciardini

Greetings CEDR 100 Learners!

Our exciting introductory drawing course offers loads of variety and opportunities to "LOOK," to observe (to see what you didn't see before!), to explore, experiment, discover, learn, demonstrate, critique and evaluate drawings YOU create! 

You will experience and practice a multitude of activities, challgenges, assignments, techniques, group/paired discussions, excursions, educational video clips (from accomplished artists), scholarly readings, self/partner evalutations, and class evaluations, analysis and critiquing skills, homework (yes, there's homework and even a quiz or two, but it's all doable and may even prove to be very enjoyable!), individual and collaborative approaches and improved observational and drawing abilities (some frustrating at first, but mostly exhilarating), in an affable, student-centred, learner-driven atmosphere of like-minded, Arts-loving eager classmates, within an energized, engaged arena of drawing practice, practice and even MORE practice!  Hoping I haven't scared you off already!

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.“ - Pablo Picasso

Course Motivation

This course is designed for beginner artists who have an interest in learning how to draw or for those who simply want to improve their innate artistic skills.  You will have plenty of opportunities to practice drawing different subjects - people, places, pets, objects, both live and from your creative imagination.  It's highly recommended that you take your time, proceed at your own speed and enjoy your process of discovery with the challenges presented and exchanged ideas, as you learn from, support, share and discuss concepts, effects and techniques with your fellow artists, in our classroom climate of mutual respect (in a variety of settings and "en plein air"), in a spirit of experimentation and joy of Art!

In our course, you're going to learn the processes and techniques that gave rise to some of the most talented artists in the world.  What you're going to learn over the upcoming classes will be in-depth, varied, experiential, interactive, collaborative, individually-focused and professional.  

Your personal creative contributions and experience are also most welcome! 

However, it's also important that you keep in mind that this course is for beginners. This means that even though we're going to learn a lot as a group and individually, you shouldn't expect to become the resident artist at the MET any time soon (but please let me know should that happen!) 

Remember that he word "draw" is an action verb, which means "to draw" and we will be doing A LOT OF IT!  It also means that you need to draw often and practice the skills you will learn in the context of our course, IF you earnestly wish to improve your ability and evolve in experience and artistic mastery.  Practice doesn't always make perfect, but it always affects improvement!  

That being said, don't expect to be a master artist once you complete our introductory drawing course.  Instead, you may more realistically anticipate that you'll acquire the confidence, fundamental knowledge and training you require to continue drawing on your own, so you will be capable of bringing the scenes you see in your daily life to light, on paper.  You'll be able to draw whatever you see and you'll have the skills to express and perfect the images in your mind’s eye.  So, let’s relax with the creative process, learn with an open mind along our artistic journey, together!  

We will experiment with and learn to use the tools you need to draw with and also have plenty of time to practice drawing, using different techniques, concepts and styles.  We will learn to draw basic concrete objects as well as abstract concepts, once we have a handle on the foundations of drawing.  

To achieve your best results, I highly recommend you take your time and focus on what you wish to learn from the instructor, from your co-students, from all our class drawing experiments, our practice, our activities and assignments and from the accomplished artists we will have the unique opportunity to visit online, gleaning from their valuable life experience and advanced skill sets.

Learning to draw is a process requiring regular practice, patience and persistence.  Students will be actively participating in various drawing concepts and challenges with the use of select drawing media, tools and props.  The class will explore and participate in key learning and practicing concepts concerning right and left brain theories, with both individual and collaborative projects.  

Over the next 8 weeks, our lessons will be in-depth, filled with both challenges and successes, much practice, professional information, camaraderie and fun!   You'll study: 

Course Objectives

Drawing Terminology and apply them in our analysis and critiques 

Elements of Art and Principles of Design and how to express them

Types of Lines - Constructive, Expressive, Contours, Gestures and many more! 

Values, Shading, Chiaroscuro, Contraposto, Lighting Effects, Contrast, Emphasis

Volume, Scale, Composition, Proportion, Depth, Perspective, Dimensionality

Textures and how to create them accurately and believably

Drawing shapes, flowers, trees, people, animals, architecture, etc.

Drawing still life forms realistically and abstractly

Expressing atmosphere, imagination, emotion, movement and more! 

Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

Explain various theories and concepts concerning a drawing

Identify and demonstrate the techniques and processes used to develop a drawing

Reflect and/or comment on those ideas and concepts,

Demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic forms of drawing, using a full range of techniques.

Assessment Methods

You will NOT be judged or graded on your skill.  The only grade you'll receive will be either a Pass or Fail, based upon the information presented and what you demonstrated you learned - your comprehension and application of the techniques, in terms of the 7 P’s of Assessment – including your class Presence, your individual and group Participation, your Passion (interest/intensity of focus), your Process (how you demonstrate ongoing effort with all activities and assignments), proof of your Practice, your Progress and finally, the Presentation of your Art.   

You don't require amazing talent to be good at drawing.  Your skills will improve steadily and continually over time, as you regularly practice drawing and hone your observational life skills and drawing craft.

Drawing/Art is a natural ability that we all have and we're all born with.   So, keep in mind that you enrolled in this beginner course to focus on learning and/or improving your drawing skills and towards that goal, you have ALL my/our support, in your quest!  

Week 1 - March 1st

Welcome.  Handout for introduction question Activity #1, with activity partner.

Readings outlined in the text: "Drawing: A Contemporary Approach" by Teel Sale & Claudia Betti.  

Overview of course Syllabus, Art excursion, Special Notes, Assessment.

Outline required Sketchbook Assignments (minimum 5 drawings per week) and more challenges with handouts.

What is Art to YOU? class discussion and famous artist quotes for Activity #2 in pairs (with different activity partners.)

Break - 15 minutes

Elements of Art and Principles of Design lesson with handouts and discussion/questions.  Quiz next week! 

Handout of Drawing Terminology and outline ongoing - Assignment #1 to define 10 terms per week and demonstrate applying them in discussion and drawing application

Warm-up Signature experimentation challenge using ink - Activity #3

Introduction lesson to Types of Lines and video clip.  Practice line types in thumbnails using variety of media - Activity #4

Peer evaluation of challenges/activities

Homework Assignment #2 - "Strange Noise Challenge"

Week 2 - March 8th

Reminder of Art Excursion meeting at VAG, Tuesday March 14th, 6 to 8 pm

Class review of Homework Assignments # 1 and 2 (via peer and self evaluations)

Peer Review of 5 Sketchbook drawings and demonstration of 10 terms

Quiz - Elements of Art and Principles of Design

Video clips of Easy Drawing for Beginners Techniques 

LOOK! - Rapid Still Life drawing practice with sphere, pyramid and cube, using a variety of media - Activity #1

Video clip of Still Life Drawing.

Lesson - Gesture, Proportion, Form vs Shape, Scale, Relationships, Composition

Discussion and drawing practice.  Activity #1 - Closed Eyes drawing challenge experiment.

Class discussion of text reading and assign next reading.


Intro to Critquing - Guidelines, Analysis, Interpretation and Evaluation

Class critique of Still Life progress

Introduce Homework Imagination Challenge, Sketchbook Drawings, 10 Drawing Terms.  Reminder to bring props for Still Life Drawing. 

Week 3 - March 15th

Review Homework - Sketchbook Drawings, Imagination Challenge and 10 Drawing Terms definitions and demonstrations

Value Scale video clip

Activity #1 - draw a 7 point value scale using pencil and one using conte. 

Continue Still Life Drawing with props from home, focus on contours, values, shading, shadows, lighting, contrast, emphasis, edges - Activity #2

Peer critique of Still Life Drawings with props


Drawing Forms with Shapes video clip.

Activity #3 - Work on drawing from VAG or drawing objects in spaces "in situ" in lounge, cafe or other settings in building, with an activity partner 

Learner Presentation to Activity Partner and Peer Critique of VAG drawing or Drawing objects and spaces "in situ", using critique parameters with a different activity partner

Homework - Principles of Design Quiz next week, 5 Sketchbook drawings of organic or live objects (fruit, veggies, flowers, plants, trees, pets, stones, etc.),10 drawing terms

Week 4 - March 22nd

Review Homework - 5 Sketchbook drawings and live/organic object drawings and 10 drawing terms definitions and demonstrations

Principles of Design Quiz 

Activity #1 - Demonstration of 10 drawing terms with activity partner

Finish VAG/"in situ" drawings


Activity #2 - Learner Presentation of VAG/"in situ" drawings to class, with Class critiques

Video clip of shading objects and edges with various techniques 

Lesson on creating shading techniques - stippling, hatching, cross-hatching, circularism, smudging, contouring, cross-contouring, dashes, waves, etc, with wood grain

Activity #3 - Thumbnails practice of shading techniques

Homework - Prepare to be the Teacher Assignment.  Teach the class by demonstrating one drawing technique or concept from any readings in the text or from the video clips (minimum 5 minutes)

Week 5 - March 29th

Review Homework - 5 Sketchbook drawings and live/organic object drawing challenge and 10 drawing terms definitions and demonstrations to activity partner

Teacher Assignment to class of one drawing technique or concept from any readings in the text or from the video clips 

Video clip of drawing texture - wood grain, fur, metal, hair, fabric, stone, brick, etc

Activity #1 - Thumbnails of textural effects practice 

Activity #2 - Combined 5 textural effects into one composition with a focal point, using a variety of media, including ink, demonstrating emphasis, detail, contrast, edges and tactile values.


Continue Activity #2 - Textural Composition

Activity #3 - Presentation to Peer and Peer critque of Textural Composition

Homework -  Limited Drawing Challenge, 5 Sketchbook drawings, 10 Drawing Terms Definitions and Demonstrations, Reading from text 

Week 6 - April 5th

Review Homework - Limited Drawing Challenge, 5 Sketchbook drawings, 10 Drawing Terms Definitions and Demonstrations

Activity #1 - Partner Discussion re text Reading on drawing the human anatomy

Lesson re Drawing Cylinders, Spheres and Cones, with Video clip 

Activity #2 - Still Life drawing of cylinders, spheres and cones practice

Peer critique progress for Activity #2  


Lesson demo on Easy Drawing Anatomy with Simple Shapes, introducing "contraposto"

Video clip on Drawing Anatomy with Simple Shapes 

Activity #3 - Draw your finger using the simple shape techniques for joints, to imply rotation and movement, "contraposto" and "chiaroscuro"

Continue to draw your finger or hand using simple shape techniques, detail, texture and chiaroscuro

Homework - Sketchbook 5 drawings, practice drawing human or animal/pet body parts, with an emphasis on "chiaroscuro" and "contraposto," plus the text reading on Perspective 

Week 7 - April 12th

Review Homework - Sketchbook 5 drawings, 10 term definitions and demos, practice drawing human or animal/pet body parts, with an emphasis on "chiaroscuro" and "contraposto"

Class Critique of Homework Assignments

Lesson on Prespective - creating the Illusion of Depth and 3 Dimensionality

View Video clip on Drawing Linear Perspective the Easy Way


Activity #1 - Draw  thumbnails of 5 different examples of perspective 

Activity #2 - Draw a room/place (consider composition, lighting, spacing, scale, proportion) or a scene from a play/ballet/concert, a stage set or cityscape, landscape or seascape (you may also use a photo), with an emphasis on perspective, depth and dimensionality.  Include a least one person and a variety of subjects and objects, like a pet, furniture, lamps/lights, flowers, trees, forest, mountains, boats, bridges, cars, buildings, etc.  Think outside the box!

Activity #3 - Now, add atmosphere, a form of energy to your room/place.  Use your creative imagination - experiement with various techniques and media (perhaps you could distort angles or scale, cut out and glue portions from some of your other drawings, add mixed media elements, employ collage techniques, add layers and textures) play with proportion, lighting, shading, scale and perspective techniques to generate an emotional response from your viewer - either positive or negative!

Activity # 4 - Critique your progress with a co-student.

Homework -  Sketchbook 5 perspective drawings demonstrating atmospheric techniques, 10 drawing terms and chose a reading from the text to explain, demonstrate to a peer for discussion  

Reminder to bring your cell phone with your favourite music and ear buds to class for our final meeting, next week.

Week 8 - April 19th (Final Class)

Review Homework Assignments

Presentation of selected reading summaries to a co-student for discussion purposes

Complete your room/place Assignment from Week 7 

Present your final artwork to the class for a final critquing


Homework - For your Final Drawing Challenge, create an imaginary scene/world, including a creative setting, while listening to your choice of music!  This scene could be from a dream or a daydream.  Remember - "Be BIG, be BOLD or GO HOME!"  Viewers should be able to instantly feel the atmosphere, recognize details, designs/patterns, shapes, figures, movement, composition, perspective, depth, various drawing techniques, including Elements of Art and some Principles of Design, by viewing your drawing. You know the process – so exaggerate it to a heightened degree, with NO limits.  It’s a fantastical, imaginary expression and your last hurrah in our final drawing class, after all!

Please complete my Teacher Evaluation for our Continuing Studies Departmental Review and Thank YOU!

“Remember to look up at the stars with wonder and curiosity and not down at your feet.” - Stephen Hawking

Syllabus Changes

While every effort has been made to prepare this syllabus and lesson planning schedule in its final form, it will be the instructor’s prerogative to make any changes as may be deemed necessary or helpful, in order that learners meet the learning outcomes of the course and/or as they may provide beneficial information and permit learners to further explore and practice newly acquired skills, as needed. Students will be notified in advance of any major changes to times/dates.

Special Notes - Extra Materials, Excursions, Readings

Please be sure to purchase and bring a sketchbook (at least 8" x 11")  to each class, which will be required for your homework and drawing assignments, as well as a smudging wand, clean up cloth (moist hand wipes are great), glue stick, exacto knife, scissors, drafting/masking tape, all your drawing implements and any props you may wish to draw from or any you may be asked to bring for the following class activities.

Art Excursion to the Vancouver Art Gallery will be on week 3, Tuesday March 14th, 2023, from 6 to 8 pm (admission to the VAG is by donation).  This Art trip is not a mandatory requirement for our course, but it's highly recommended.  Be sure to bring a clipboard, paper or your sketchbook and all your drawing implements.  Hope you make it, it's sure to be fun, especially as a class!

The readings text is:  Drawing: A Contemporary Approach by Teel Sale & Claudia Betti.  (Copies have been reserved for your use, but can ONLY be used within the ECU Library.)  The readings are not a mandatory requirement for this course.  However, they are highly recommended - discussions, demonstrations and applications from the readings will take place in our class, in paired/group/collaborative activities and they're a superb source of information for drawing beginners.