Course: ILUS-305-S032-2022: Illustration Genres Topic: Myth and Symbolism in Illustration, Section: Week 11 - March 29th

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Week 11 - March 29th

  • Week 11 - March 29th

    Week 11: The Resurrection

    The climax. The hero faces a final test, using everything they have learned to take on the conflict once and for all.

    Visiting Artist: Suhail Nahaas
    In preparation for your senior year and the self-directed projects you will be developing, I've invited ILUS Alumni, character designer, and paleo art aficionado Suhail Nahaas to class to talk levels of personal research and ethical concerns within visual storytelling.

    –     Week 11 discussion: The Resurrection

    –     Breakout groups/rooms for Assignment 6

    –     Assignment 6: plans for the final



    –     Complete Assignment 6 Final Artwork