In this class we'll learn how to make a video game from start to finish. In fact, we'll be making 3 video games during our two months together. It will be a lot of work, but it will also be a lot of fun.

Learning outcomes:

- Understanding the basic game development process.

- Familiarity with the Unity3D game engine.

- Basic skills working with C# code.

- Understanding how to manage scope and the MVP (minimum viable product).

- Basic debugging and problem solving in a game engine environment.

- Creating standalone interactive experiences that you can share!

MHIS-327-SU91-2024: Studies in Animation History
FNDT-165-SU01-2024: Interdisciplinary Studio Core
3DAN-334-SU91-2024: Visual Effects Animation
SCLP-219-SU01K-2024: Sculpture: Flexible Materials Fabrication
SCLP-329-SU01K-2024: Flexible Materials Fabrication II