CECD-101-SU01-2024: Drawing for Designers

CEFA-100-SU02-2024: 2D Composition + Form

CEPN-100-SU01-2024: Introductory Painting Techniques
CEPN-103-SU01-2024: Introductory Oil Painting
CSIL-110-SU01-2024: Digital Tools for Illustrators
CSTA-100-SU01-2024: Drawing

CUXD-001-F001-2023: UXDes Cohort FA23 Orientation Module

Instructor: Tom Chan
Email: tomchan@ecuad.ca
This course covers essential design concepts such as line, shape, composition, hierarchy, colour theory and typography. Introducing visual communication principles and design processes, students will engage various methods and tools to experiment with concept development, self-expression, and visual exploration. Through readings, class discussion, presentations, demonstrations and exercises, students will consider how to visually represent ideas, information, and emotions in order to persuade, educate and entertain. Students will explore how visual design fundamentals translate to digital environments, applying preliminary concepts to meaningful design, and giving and receiving generative feedback.