Student Name:

Liangwen Qin

75 dpi "clean" final image:
75 dpi final image with mock titles:
Optional description of the work:

I chose to create a poster about a young female campus comedy film. This poster will summarize the main idea of the story with an exaggerated picture. Although I would classify this film as a comedy, there is a lot of tragedy at its core. The protagonist has suffered from gender stereotypes and body discrimination, but she has always stood up for herself. Standing on a mountain of objects and symbols belonging to her own world, she begins her lonely "journey" alone. As a "normal person" in the eyes of the public, I could understand her, but because of the estrangement of this "mountain", I was farther and farther away from her, and I could not reach out my hand to her on the top. We had agreed to travel to the seaside together. However, although we were in the same sea, we could not touch each other because we were not at the same height. Finally, we could only drift apart.
